Question: I enjoyed so much older vintages from the sixties of the remarkable Saint Emilion property Château L’Arrosee that I purchased in Brussels Belgium (and the UK) but can’t find any of their current releases from the last 10 years. Can you help me?
Answer: Yes, that is an old fav St. Emilion of your scribe as well. An outstanding 1961 to seek out and just tasted this month the surprisingly lovely 1962. You can’t find it because it no longer exists under that name of Château L’Arrosee but is part of the Domaine Clarence Dillon new wine Château Quintus. They acquired in 2011 the 18 hectares of Château Tertre Daugay, in 2013 the 9+ hectares of Château L’Arrosee, and in 2021 the 19 hectares of Château Grand-Pontet which now are all combined into the 45+ hectares of Château Quintus. I suggest you try a current release of this excellent new St. Emilion.
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