Your scribe often attends food shows of the latest hot products on the consumer market. Usually disappointed by too many fast food items ranging from potato chips to popcorn with a new sometimes bizarre flavour. Therefore approached the latest one GSF19 Grocery & Specialty Food West Show at the Vancouver Convention Centre with lower expectations on April 1. However I found 5 food discoveries that captured my interest and recommend them as follows:
1. Nature Valley Granola Bars. Bit sweet but can be a good emergency fallback at breakfast while travelling. Like their crunchy Oats ‘n’ Dark Chocolate one and there is a new one chewy trail mix coconut dark chocolate.
2. QueenBee Natural Honey 100% Canadian but newly mixed with a Ginger Boost.
3. Siggi’s Icelandic Skyr Thick 0% Fat Plain Yogurt with only 3 grams of sugar – that is low. Like they use 100% natural ingredients and have large print notice of LIVE ACTIVE CULTURES. Also like what it lists that it doesn’t have: NO aspartame, sucralose, stervia, gelatin, artificial, preservatives – none of those.
4. Fruta Mil (frutamil.com.br) 100% natural frozen pulp from Brazil – especially passion fruit + açai – imported by nutreewholesale.com. Investigate.
5. Casa Luker Cacoa from Columbia at www.cacaofinodearoma.com. Good quality at better prices. My fav single origin Tumaco 85%.
Good luck exploring new food products.

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