There were some fun food questions raised during 2019 but most were focused on wine which filled all Top 10 positions. Two were pure facts like #2 “SCOTUS decision regarding alcohol deregulation” & #6 “State producing the most wine” but the remaining eight were subjective opinions given by your scribe mainly about rating vintages including your #1 “Best and worst years this decade for Burgundy.” It has been both a delight and a challenge to consider your questions raised and pondering over the answers. Hope by following these postings you have picked up a few gems of wine & food knowledge along the way. Keep up your good work with the interesting questions!
1. Best & Worst Years this Decade for Burgundy?
2. US Supreme Court Recent Decision on Alcohol Regulation?
3. Best wine made in Spain?
4. Where to visit for best wine experience?
5. Ask Sid: Best vintages to buy for Champagne, White Burgundy & Red Burgundy?
6. USA State producing the most wine?
7. What is the Best Winery of a Celebrity?
8. Do you prefer Syrah or Shiraz?
9. best one or two vintages in the last 6 decades for Red Burgundy?
10. Vintages ending in 9?
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