Question: What is the difference in the total number of wineries between Washington State and neighboring British Columbia in Canada?
Answer: Quite a big difference as Washington State (WS) now has about 970 licensed wineries compared to British Columbia (BC) with about 280 licensed grape wineries (and 370 overall). Both are thriving helped by global warming while growing 70-80 different grape varieties but Cabernet Sauvignon is #1 with double the acreage of Merlot in WS while the latter is the main red grape planted in BC. Chardonnay is now #2 and increasing as it has recently overtaken Riesling in WS for white grape production while in BC Pinot Gris is still tops. WS already has evolved to 14 AVAs (American Viticultural Area) while BC is presently establishing their sub-regions with 4 named so far (Golden Mile Bench, Okanagan Falls, Naramata Bench and Skaha Bench) and expanding. Both WS & BC are producing many fine wines that need discovering.
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