By Joseph Temple
Whether you’re grilling outdoors or cooking indoors, try some of these wine-full combinations. Have fun with the varietals to see which you like best.
1. Merlot + garlic + thyme + brow sugar + oil
2. Chardonnay + lemon + garlic + pepper + rosemary
3. Sauvignon Blanc + apple juice + sage + honey
4. Muscat + honey + water
5. Pinot Grigio + dijon + lemon + pepper
6. Sparkling wine + sesame oil + mirin + lime + sugar + soy sauce
7. Cabernet Franc + red onion + soy sauce + red pepper jelly + parsley

I voted for #2 because you could only vote for one marinade, but I was actually intrigued by all of them. I will eventually try them all. Thank you, Joe Temple, for sharing your recipes.
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